生理学Ⅱ   [Physiology Ⅱ]
区分 論文研究等  選択必修   単位数 1 
対象学科等   対象年次   開講時期 後学期 
授業形態 後学期  時間割番号 1811403
責任教員 [ローマ字表記]
矢野 史朗   [YANO Shiro]
所属 農学部 研究室   メールアドレス

The seminars are centered on discussion and laboratory work under the supervision of three academic supervisors. Students will report the content of their doctoral dissertation at seminars and improve the degree of completion of their dissertation under a triplet research supervision scheme: one principal supervisor and two co-supervisors. Students will finalize their research plan, vision and structure of their drafts of dissertations, as well as improve their competency through seminars and laboratory work at the research laboratory of the principal supervisor.
In the process, students are expected to recognize the relationship and relevance of their research theme with related fields of study. Students are also expected to acquire a diverse academic perspective, which is essential in sustainability research, and understand the usefulness of learning and conceptualization methods used in other disciplines. In order to instill an interdisciplinary perspective centered on their doctoral dissertation theme, students will hold discussions from various perspectives with students taking Interdisciplinary Seminar I to IV, and learn knowledge and approaches to analysis and social implementation in other fields.
Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:
- enhance core competency in their doctoral dissertation research field.
- explain the purpose and significance of their research in relation to current research trends.
- refine their doctoral research by accelerating each aspect of research, namely, comprehension, analysis and implementation, through discussions with the assistant supervisors.
- acquire consensus-building skills and the capacity to adapt to diverse value systems and environments.
- leverage new ideas, knowledge, and information obtained through meaningful academic exchanges with researchers not only in their specialized fields but also from other disciplines, into the design of their doctoral dissertation research.
- improve the implementability of their doctoral dissertation research.

Seminars will be held through coordination by the principal supervisor with the co-supervisors, but more emphasis will be made on individual supervision by the principal supervisor. The co-supervisors will attend the seminars as needed and give comments and advice in the conduct of the research. Remote videoconference systems or other media may be used as necessary.
Students will have discussions with the principal supervisor and the two co-supervisors to clearly explain the academic contributions of their research, as well as to improve their doctoral dissertation research plans in consideration of opinions of faculty members in other disciplines. Students are expected to actively engage in discussions with the co-supervisors and research laboratory members and in communicating their own experience, analytical approach, and ideas. Students will report the content of their doctoral dissertation in several parts at the seminars and receive comments from faculty members and research laboratory members to improve the degree of completion of their dissertation.
You are recommended to prepare for, and review, the classes spending the standard amount of time as specified by the University for each class.
To be decided upon discussion with students at the start of the class.
To be distributed and introduced in each class.
Participation and contribution 100%
2023/01/31 21:57:47